Recital at Philharmonie Berlin

Recital at Philharmonie Berlin

On Feb­ru­ary 2, 2025, Katery­na Tito­va will per­form a solo recital in the Cham­ber Music Hall of the Berlin Phil­har­monie with works by Liszt and Mussorgsky. Tickets

Artist in Residence — Liszt Festival Raiding

Katery­na Tito­va gave an inter­view for the mag­a­zine “Die Bur­gen­län­derin”  and spoke about many dif­fer­ent top­ics as this year’s “Artist in Res­i­dence” of the Liszt Fes­ti­val Raid­ing . Read more HERE!

Kateryna at “U21”

Katery­na Tito­va was invit­ed to present her new album to the show U21 (@BR-KLASSIK) — you can lis­ten HERE to the broad­cast if you missed it! She was also play­ing live in the stu­dio — Video HERE.

New album “…quasi una fantasia”

“Fan­ta­sy — it is only giv­en to human beings: the abil­i­ty to cre­ate images in the mind which do not exist in reality. With­out imag­i­na­tion there would be nei­ther cre­ativ­i­ty nor progress, no art and no love! ” Katery­na Titova - her new record­ing...